Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Coding in Key Stage One

I know this app has been available for a while but I haven't really spent much time thinking about how to use it until recently.  Whilst completing the European Schoolnet course: Game in the classroom I wrote a brief lesson plan for the first lesson I would do with my class using Scratch jr.

lesson plan  The lesson plan was created in learning designer, which is a really interesting way to plan lessons that you can then share with others.

I am looking forward to working with my class next week to see how quickly they develop their understanding of Scratch jr.


  1. Your project is very good, but I think children need more time (at least 120 minutes in my opinion)to discuss and try to do what they are asked.

    1. Thank you, I did wonder whether I needed to spend more time. I plan on spending the next 6 weeks doing a session a week. I will then have a better idea of how long the children need to spend on each element. Have you used scratch before?
